Ahead of the launch of the Google Pixel 9 series in India on August 14, the tech giant has offered a significant discount for its Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro models on Flipkart. Originally priced at Rs 75,999, the Pixel 8 is now listed at Rs 62,999 and the Pixel 8 Pro is selling at Rs 98,999, down from Rs 1,06,999. Buyers will receive additional bank discounts on top of the listed price on Flipkart.
Google Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro get discount on Flipkart: Check deal
The Google Pixel 8 is currently priced at Rs 62,999, reduced from its original price of Rs 75,999. In addition to this discount, purchasers will also receive an instant bank discount of Rs 4,000 on ICICI Bank credit and debit cards. This brings the total cost down to Rs 58,999 from the launch price of Rs 75,999. The phone is now available at a discount of Rs 17,000 on Flipkart.
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On the other hand, the Google Pixel 8 Pro is now listed at Rs 98,999, down by Rs 8,000. Furthermore, buyers will receive an instant discount of Rs 10,000 on ICICI Bank credit and debit cards which reduces the cost to Rs88 ,999.
Google Pixel 9 series: What to expect
Is it true that you are contemplating whether you ought to sit tight for the impending Pixel 9 series or purchase the Pixel 8 series at limited costs? Pixel 9 series, alongside Pixel 9 Star Overlay, will likewise be accessible for buy on Flipkart soon. Here are the determinations that you can anticipate from the Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Ace, Pixel 9 Star XL, and Pixel 9 Ace Overlap models.
According to the Flipkart review page, Pixel 9 series will accompany bended edges and a level casing. Concerning the camera, it will accompany drifting island plan, rather than visor configuration very much like its past ages. This time around, the cell phones are probably going to be accessible in another Pink variety choice alongside dark and grayish.
As far as valuing, going by the European value, Pixel 9 will be accessible in two capacity choices that could send off at a beginning cost of €899 (approx Rs 80,000). Google Pixel 9 Expert is probably going to be sent off at a beginning €1,099 (approx Rs 97,500).
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